Karol Bąk

About me

I'm a software engineer with over 10 years of experience. During my career, I had the opportunity to work with many applications built from scratch as well as large, legacy applications. Leading the teams to deliver amazing products.

I feel most comfortable in a startup environment, turning ideas into real things. Constantly changing requirements, technical challenges, growing a team, working with the business are my bread and butter. „Build fast, fail fast”.

Working on side projects in my spare time, trying out new technologies and ideas, constantly improving my skills. Doing my best to give something back to the community by maintaining open source libraries.

I enjoy sharing my knowledge by mentoring less experienced team members and through my blog, which has been featured in Ruby Weekly and other newsletters.

Skills & Experience

  • Ruby and Rails
  • Frontend frameworks (Vue.js)
  • Cloud solutions (AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean)
  • Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis)
  • DevOps (CI/CD, self-host setup)
  • Automated testing (RSpec, Capybara, TDD)
  • Design & architectural patterns
  • Web apps security
  • Team leadership & mentorship
  • Performance optimization
  • API integrations

Side projects